教学系 & 学习

Yonghee Suh

诺福克 , 23529年

徐永熙的研究重点是历史教学, 教师学习与跨学科合作. 她最近的出版物, including "Experiences of African American teachers in desegregated PK-12 schools" (2020), "Planning to teach a difficult history through historical inquiry: The case of school desegregation" (2021), "Opportunities for teacher learning to teach difficult histories: A perspective from the social theory of learning" (in press), have investigated the process and outcomes of teacher learning in relation to the difficult history of school desegregation. This research was conducted within professional development settings funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress 教学 with Primary Sources Program. 她的学术作品曾在《网站登录》等期刊上发表 学校,社会研究杂志, 教师发展.

原产首尔, 韩国, Suh brings her experience as a former middle school social studies teacher to her current role. 她喜欢与老师合作, 社区合作伙伴, 档案工作人员, 以及不同专业发展背景下的历史学家. 她是一名持证瑜伽老师,喜欢游泳.

Ph.D. in Curriculum, 教学, 教育al Policy, Michigan 状态 University, (2006)

M.S. 首尔大学社会教育专业,(1998)

B.S. 首尔大学历史教育系教授(1994)

主办机构: 韩国首尔国立大学教育系
获得的日期: 1994-02-01


Suh Y. "The Analysis of Teacher 学习 through Cultural Historical Activity Theory: Individual and Social Dimensions of Teacher 学习 to Teach Difficult Histories. " $5,000. bet8体育娱乐入口. 2021 - 2023
Suh Y. 《网站登录》.S. 历史”20000美元. 联邦. 2020年5月1日- 2022年12月31日
Suh Y. "Investigating Teacher Knowledge Growth in the 社区 of 实践: 教学 Difficult 历史 through Primary Sources" $2,000. 联邦. 2020 - 2022
Suh Y. "The long road from Brown: School desegregation in Virginia" $204,729. 联邦. 2019年10月1日- 2022年12月31日
Suh Y. "M.E.C.A. (内容领域的多元文化教育). Improving preservice teachers’ disciplinary writing through multicultural education" $20,000. bet8体育娱乐入口. 2018 - 2019
Suh Y. "The Local and the 全球: School Desegregation in the Context of U.《bet8体育娱乐入口》2万美元. 联邦. 2017 - 2018
Suh Y. "The Long Road From Brown: School Desegregation In Virginia" $175,813. 联邦. 2016 - 2017
Suh Y. “教授隐藏的历史”,5000美元. 2015 - 2016
Namkoong G.南马西亚克市. 和Suh Y. "Collaborative 研究: Developing a Student 学习 Strategy to Bridge Virtual 学习 and Hands-on Activity in Organic Solar Energy 教育" $150,000. 联邦. 2013 - 2016
Suh Y. "The Long Road from Brown: School Desegregation in Virginia" $176,200. 联邦. 2014 - 2015
Suh Y. "Building Literacy in 社会研究: Improving Teacher Quality Grant" $71,566. 状态. 2013 - 2014
Suh Y. "Project 6: A Program-based Portfolio and Professional Development Project to Improve Pre-service Teachers’ Writing Performance" $20,000. bet8体育娱乐入口. - 2013






古铁雷斯,K.贝克,J.辛顿,K.里帕德,K. 和Suh Y. (2022). Preparing Culturally Competent Teachers Using Disciplinary Multicultural Writing Assignments: A Mixed-Methods Study. 教师教育者 57 (4) , pp. 386-408.
Suh Y.B. J..madamsetti, J. 布兰尼,A. (2020). Experiences of African American teachers in desegregated PK-12 schools: A systematic literature review. 学校:教育学研究 17 (2) , pp. 271-293.
Suh Y. 和辛顿,K. (2020). Navigating disciplinary boundaries: Two stories of collaborative teaching in English and social studies. 教师教育的行动.
Suh Y.B. 以及马里兰州的哈茨菲尔德. (2020). Planning to teach difficult history through historical inquiry: The case of school desegregation. 《bet8体育娱乐入口》.
辛顿,K. 和Suh Y. (2019). Foregrounding collaboration in disciplinary literacy: Implications from JAAL, 2008-2017. 青少年和成人识字杂志 63 (3) , pp. 279-287 .
Suh Y. Daugherity和B. (2018). Oral history as inquiry: Using digital oral history collections to teach school desegregation. 历史老师 51 (4) , pp. 697-709.
Kimmel,年代.哈茨菲尔德,D., Suh Y. 加里森,K。. (2016). The portrayal of the United 状态s in the translated international children's literature. 社会研究与实践“, 11 (1).
Suh Y.巴特勒,B. Yaco, S. (2015). Integrating the Desegregation of Virginia 教育 Project in a social studies methods course. Museumedu 2 , pp. 101-108.
Suh Y. 和辛顿,K. (2015). Mirroring ourselves: 教师教育者s of color reading multicultural texts. 教师教育问题 24 (2) , pp. 23-42.
Suh Y. 格兰特,L。. (2014). Assessing ways of seeing the past: Analysis of the use of images as historical evidence in the NAEP U.S. 历史评价. 历史老师 48 , pp. 71-90.
辛顿,K., Suh Y.卢尔德,C. 玛丽亚,哦. (2014). Historical fiction in English and social studies classrooms: Is it a natural marriage? . 英语杂志 103 (3) , pp. 22-27.
Suh Y. (2013). Past looking: Using arts as historical evidence in teaching history. 社会研究 & 实践 8 (1) , pp. 135-159.
一个,年代. 和Suh Y. (2013). 简单,但复杂:美国.S. 韩国历史教科书中呈现的历史.. 社会研究 104 (2) , pp. 57-66.
Suh Y.亨顿-约翰逊,K.马肯,J. A. 李,G. (2011). 我们觉得教它舒服吗? A self-study of four teacher educators’ conversations about So Far from the Bamboo Grove. 多元文化教育 19 (1).
Suh Y.Yurita, M. 梅茨格,S. (2010). 关于“被遗忘的战争”,我们希望学生们记住什么?? 日本、韩国和美国的比较研究.美国高中历史教科书中有6•25战争的内容. 国际社会教育杂志 23 (1) , pp. 51-75.
Suh Y. (2008). How the doctoral mentoring helped the cultural transformation from peripheral observer to active participant: 学习 to research and teach from Suzanne Wilson. 课程与教学对话 10 (1-2) , pp. 87-100.
Metzger,年代. 和Suh Y. (2008). 重要还是安全? 历史故事片教学应用的两个案例. 社会教育理论与研究“, 36 (1) , pp. 88-109.


Suh Y. 和Yurita, M. (2010). Toward building global citizenship by teaching historical controversy: a comparative research on Japanese and South 韩国n 历史教科书 London & 波特兰, OR: 国际 Review of 历史 教育: Trends in Contemporary ‘Public’ Debates on 历史 教育 .


Suh Y. 格兰特,L。. (2013年4月). 学习 ways of seeing the past: Analysis of the use of images as historical evidence and student performance in the NAEP U.S. 历史评估文件旧金山,加州.
Suh Y. a, S. (2013年4月). “Strangers from a different shore”: Collective memory of Asian American experiences represented in U.S. 历史教科书. 纸AERA旧金山,加州.
巴特勒,B. M., Suh Y. 斯科特,W。. (2012年11月). Knowledge transmission versus social transformation: A critical analysis of big ideas in elementary social studies methods textbooks Paper College and University 教师 Assembly Seattle, WA.
Suh Y. a, S. (2012年11月). 模范少数民族或永久外国人? 美国电影中亚裔美国人的形象.S. 历史教科书论文CUFA与NCSS西雅图,华盛顿州.
Suh Y. 和Yurita, M. (2012年11月). World War II revisited: Students’ perceptions on historical significance in Japan and South 韩国 Paper CUFA associated with NCSS Seattle, WA.
  • 2018: Dean's Recognition Award, 达顿教育学院 and 专业的研究
  • 2018: Most Collaborative Grant Award, 达顿教育学院 and 专业的研究
  • 2005年:旅行补助金,国家社会研究委员会
  • 2005年:密歇根州立大学毕业论文奖学金
  • 1998年:密歇根州立大学大学招聘奖学金
  • 1998年获首尔国立大学优秀硕士论文奖
  • 1990年:汉城大学大学招聘奖学金