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bet8体育娱乐入口: Celebrating Academic Excellence85周年

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如果你建造它 ...

行政大楼, 使用库完成, 办公室, 六个教室, two gymnasiums and a swimming pool, 1936年9月开馆. 该项目由联邦公共工程管理局(Public Works 政府)的贷款和拨款资助,费用为12.3万美元. 从那以后一直在使用, this Federal Revival-style facility is named for Old Dominion's third president, 阿尔弗雷德·B. 罗林斯小., in 1996.



Old Dominion's first off-campus site, 半岛RESEARCH生中心, 于1986年8月开幕, offering graduate engineering courses to students in Newport News and Hampton. 两年后,最初的弗吉尼亚海滩中心开业,朴茨茅斯的三城中心首次亮相. Old Dominion在2000年秋季开设了第四个区域中心——北弗吉尼亚中心. Old Dominion formally opens headquarters for its Virginia 建模, 分析与仿真中心(VMASC)和一个新设施,以容纳其三城高等教育中心. 16, 2007.

ODU半岛中心大厦Entrance to ODU's Peninsula Center

Dragas 国际 Center Opens

德拉加斯国际中心是为了纪念前校长兼校友小乔治·德拉加斯而命名的. and his brother, Marcus, has its grand opening on May 10, 1996. 该设施是为了服务老道明不断增长的国际学生而建造的. 参观委员会投票将休斯大厅更名为德拉加斯大厅后,国际中心被夷为零,在工头现场改造项目. 6月13日,哈佛大学将举办Dragas大厅和Hughes Atrium的重新启用仪式, 2012.



5月4日,位于纽波特纽斯的杰斐逊实验室技术综合体的老多米尼克运营的应用RESEARCH中心投入使用, 1998. 18美元.4 million business park exists to nurture, support and foster creativity among researchers, faculty and students from local colleges and universities. ODU核物理学教授继续在杰斐逊实验室有很强的影响力.



The newly renovated Constant Hall, the new home for the College of Business and Public 政府, 在5月21日举行, 2002. 12美元.5 million facility features 23 fully mediated classrooms. 泰德常数, 是谁的恩赐使这一切成为可能, 是来参加典礼的吗, as is the school's first business dean, 约翰•泰伯. 仅仅几个月后,10月10日. 25, Constant回到校园参加另一个以他的名字命名的令人印象深刻的设施的盛大开幕, the 泰德常数 Convocation Center. 这42美元.2 million state-of-the-art venue seats 8,600.

feature3-lg05周一下午的课间,康斯登大厅前的人行道和台阶上熙熙攘攘. 摄影:Steve Daniel

Frank Batten Announces $32 Million Gift

老自治领的第一任校长弗兰克·巴顿是Landmark Communications Inc .的创始人., announces a $32 million gift to the university on March 11, 2003. ODU历史上最大的礼物, it will endow chairs and support research in engineering and the sciences, 主要是, though all six of the university's academic colleges will benefit. 巴顿的礼物是在大学准备宣布第二阶段开始的时候做出的, 1亿美元, 资本运动. ODU在2003年9月以巴顿的名字命名工程技术学院.

bet8体育娱乐入口 Frank 巴顿工程学院 & 技术


Anchored by the 泰德常数 Convocation Center, ODU的大学村于2003年8月开始成型,当时学生们搬进了大学村公寓的第一个单元. The Office of Public 安全 also relocates to the new development, located across Hampton Boulevard from the main campus. 今天, the Village also features the 泰德常数 Convocation Center, 创新RESEARCH园, 大学书店和由男爵和埃林·戈登艺术画廊组成的艺术区, 古德剧院, 马厩剧院, 百利艺术大厦, Brock Commons and the Hixon Art Studio and Annex. 几家餐馆、商店和一家酒店为校园Community和附近Community提供服务.



生物电学中心, a joint venture between Old Dominion and Eastern Virginia Medical School, 打开11月. 24, 2003, in Norfolk's 公共卫生 Building. One of its goals is to understand how intense, 脉冲电磁场和冷电离气体与生物细胞相互作用,并将这些知识应用于医学诊断和治疗的发展. Leading the research is director Karl Schoenbach, an eminent scholar in ODU's Frank 巴顿工程学院 and 技术. 今天, ODU's 弗兰克·雷迪RESEARCH中心 for 生物, 在电基因疗法先驱理查德·海勒的指导下,后来搬到了大学村, boasts researchers who are exploring the powers of intense, 脉冲电磁场和冷电离气体与生物系统相互作用. Their research has led to new medical diagnostics, therapies and environmental decontamination technologies with worldwide impact.

CBE_SignFrank Reidy Center for 生物 Sign


老道明的第一个校友中心于2004年5月投入使用,并以里士满商人巴里M命名. Kornblau '71, whose significant gift makes it possible. 该设施, which originally housed the Public 安全 Office, underwent a major renovation and now is home to ODU's Office of 校友 Relations. 它也是许多校友会主办的活动和校园聚会的首选地点.

Barry M. 科恩布劳校友中心Barry M. 科恩布劳校友中心


2005年,退休商人伦纳德·卡普兰(Leonard 卡普兰)和他的妻子托比(Tobee)住在北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗.C.给bet8体育娱乐入口100万美元,用于在校园内建造温室. 亚瑟年代. 卡普兰, 一位退休的诺福克医生, 还有他的妻子, 菲利斯, 随后捐赠了近1个,000株兰花的收藏,并为温室的护理和维护捐款. 该设施 features a conservatory for public display of plants and flowers, a growing area and research laboratories. 温室, 2008年开业, 植物收藏是大学植物学遗产和最近努力的自然延伸, 利顿·穆萨尔曼说, Mary Payne Hogan professor of botany.

Arthur 卡普兰 Orchid ConvservatoryArthur 卡普兰 Orchid Convservatory


2007年5月16日,州长. 蒂姆·凯恩和罗斯安·朗特校长正式启动ODU创新RESEARCH园, an $80 million economic development project, 在41街和君主大道为公园的第一座建筑举行开幕庆典. 位于大学村, IRP @ ODU是一个独特的公私合作伙伴关系,旨在合并大学的智力资本, faculty and students with private-sector companies to pursue research, technology development and business-creation opportunities. ODU 办公室 occupy about 60 percent of the building, 包括RESEARCH办公室, RESEARCH基金会, 精益制造商协会, 中大西洋地区太空港, Computational Intelligence and Machine Vision Laboratory, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Center for Advanced Ship Repair and Maintenance, National Center for System of Systems Engineering, Virginia Applied 技术 and Professional Development Center, and Office of Spatial and Cartographic 信息.


学习 Commons Opens in Perry Library

共享学习, a state-of-the-art collaborative educational space, opens in the newly enlarged Perry Library in fall 2011, and quickly becomes a hit with students. 在学期中的时候, 多于1,每天有000名游客利用该设施提供的学习工具——从技术辅助到辅导. 学习共享和附近的学生成功中心是全校范围内的倡议的一部分, 由约翰·R·克林顿总统介绍. Broderick, to set a new standard for student success and student learning. 在一起, 他说, 学习共享和学生成功中心形成了一个为学生提供个性化帮助的协作环境, 也为学生提供了一个为自己的学习经历负责的机会, build their academic plans and receive guidance from peers and advisers alike."

Perry Library and 学习 CommonsPerry Library and 学习 Commons

The Early Childhood Center is Born

In 2013, bet8体育娱乐入口达顿教育学院本周成立了弗吉尼亚幼儿政策中心(VECPC)。, 谁的任务是开发材料并进行原创性RESEARCH,从而导致英联邦早期儿童政策的积极变化. 中心, the only one of its kind in Virginia, will also provide useful information to parents, Community, schools and others directly involved with the well-being of young children. 它的独特之处在于它将为儿童早期问题带来全面的解决办法, 一个将专注于教育的计划, 健康, family support services and special populations.

安吉拉·埃克霍夫和皮特·贝克Virginia Early Childhood Policy Center directors.


2013年9月, bet8体育娱乐入口访客委员会批准成立一所新学院, the College of Continuing Education and Professional Development. While ODU provided continuing education for many years, 新学院的成立标志着澳大对Community和行业的承诺. Located in the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center, the college will deliver classes online, around the region and on-site at business and industrial locations.

Rendering of the new education building at 43rd Street and Hampton BoulevardRendering of the new education building at 43rd Street and Hampton Boulevard

Images here are current and available through the ODU Web site. For more photos and information about the history of ODU buildings, visit the University 档案 in Perry Library. 您也可以查看a digital exhibit of early buildings or view buildings through the early 2000s in the ODU图片集. 另请参阅 资源 页面.



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